Friday, March 12, 2010


Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts, or is systems or methods of organization, or is a material product of these things. I personally feel that i wouldn't be able to live without computer,handphone and television. To me, they have already been inserted to my daily live needs. To me, they are like food. When one does not have food, it will die. And i feel that i would die without technology. Handphone and computer helps me get into contact with friends, family or even anyyone around the Earth. And when someone is in another country, when i have to contact them, do i need to take a aeroplane and fly there and just to get into contact with them? Then i must be mad. So, with computer and handphones, i could chat with them online and call them through handphones. Without television, humans would not be able to catch up the latest new, and would not be able to see movies, drama and that would be boring. They would instead have to look at carvings and pictures only. There would not be any on live programme and it would bored meto death. Live is nothing to me when there isn't technologies. I would rather die when there isn't technology in this world.

In The News

This news article is regarding marriges. From this news article, i get to know that fewer muslims are getting married below the age 21 than before, and amongst them, lesser couples gets to divorce. Both decreases are the efforts of community groups by asking the couples to think of their decision once more time before getting married. Marriges with at least one partner have decreased by half to 295 last year. Divorces between such couples have decreased by one-third over the past seven years to 433 people last year. I am happy to see the decrease of divorce cases as I personally come from a divorced family and when in a marrige, if the couple had a child and once they wanted to divorce, the child had to either follow the mother or the father or even worse, if both parties would not want the child, the child may be an orphane and that's a miserable thing without parents. Without parent's love and concern it feels so sad, life is no fun at all. So i am glad to see the decrease of the divorce case so that lesser children will be lesser fortunate. In the case, i hope that lesser and lesser divorce case would occur.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hi! It's me again.I am Rachel Goh. I have been living in earth since the day 14 December 1997. I love making new friends and i am quite violent sometimes. I come from Griffiths Primary School and currently studying in Henderson Secondary School. Till now, i am quite happy studying in Henderson. I am glad that i have been posted to this Secondary School as people here are very kind, friendly and nice. I love my Primary School too. All the teachers there are friendly, nice and caring. They treats me very good and I love them. One of my favourite teacher is Miss Fiona Ho. She is very patient with me and she is very kind. When i had trouble, she helped me. She is a very good teacher that I will never ever forget. The following pictures are the pictures that represents me:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It was the graduation night in my primary school. It was the unforgetable day for me in my life.I took the photo in my school hall with my best friend ever.I will never forget my primary school forever!
This is a picture that i was in my mum's car backsit. i remember that i was very happy that time because i was going out to shop for new clothes. It was near Chinese New year that time.
This is a picture when i was 2 years old. This picture was taken in my mum's car. I was sitting on her lap and taking photo that time. i remember that i went to press the horn.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Am I?

I am Rachel Goh who is born on 14 December at 2am sharp. I am 13 this year and I am very talkative and my friends likes to call me 'rach'. It is because that my name is too long so they call me in a shorter name.
My favourite colour is purple because i think it's lovely. I love eating MacDonald's, KFC and Swensens because they are really yummy. I also like cycling, rollerblading, swimming and playing computer games. My favourite subjects are English and Chinese.